Vassilis Milionis: Property in Southeast Europe Hold High Investment Value


In the financial world, investment is something similar to a safety net. There is always a time when a person’s financial condition gets worse. If that person has an investment, that bad condition won’t affect that person’s life too much. Investment becomes more important during a pandemic when the future keeps uncertain at some points. By using a safe-haven type investment, in this case, is property, one can secure the future. As for the location, it could be anywhere.However, according to Vassilis Milionis, Southeast Europe shows some promising growth in this investment category.

The formula is still the same. The demand for property in the future will increase, while the land availability to build a building will decrease. Therefore, owning land or building with land will be a good start to prepare for the future. During the pandemic, Southeast Europe has become one of the areas that are considered affected a lot by it. It makes the prices of property products in this area also have fallen. Looking at this situation, Vasilis Milionis recommends the property buyer to grab the chance. While the property price is falling, the investor can get a high-value property at lower prices. 

With the property value that tends to increase in the future following the formula mentioned above, the initial lower price could be a good way to start investing in this asset and location. Moreover, Vasilis Milionis also said that the property market and value would eventually increase, at least by 2023. He said it by looking at what many countries try to do to save the property market. Government starts to give incentives for the property market. It comes in several forms, from tax incentives to funding to run the property business. This movement is believed to be a good thing for property investment.

Currently, the Southeast Europe area is starting to recover and show a good sign for its property market. This is also the sign for anyone interested in investing in this area to hurry their plan. Find the property product that matches the need and invest in it. As Milionis said, with low prices still lingering around Southeast Europe’s property value, it could be a good time to spend some money on starting investment in this category. The result will be visible no less than two or three years later, where experts predict a good market condition will sprout.