The coronavirus has been negatively affecting the whole world for almost a year now since its outbreak in December 2019.
Nearly all countries get the negative effects of this global pandemic. Almost all businesses all around the world are also falling and failing. This condition negatively affects global finance and creates chaos within the world’s economy. This messy economic situation due to the pandemic gets the attention of Vassilis Milionis. For those who do not know yet, Milionis is a famous Greek property investor and entrepreneur. As an investor, he is also concerned about how the coronavirus negatively affects global finance’s sustainability.
As we know, due to the coronavirus outbreak, the world is currently facing a decline in economic growth this year. The economic growth decreases from 2.9 percent to 2.4 percent. The number seems small, but it is totally impactful to global finance. Many countries around the world began to experience economic failure because production activities have been extremely decreasing. It is because people are forced to do social distancing in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. With a number of restrictions that many countries make, it is hard to do production activities. Materials cannot be obtained, and employees cannot go to work and many other things that prevent companies from producing their products.
According to Vasilis Milionis, global finance is indeed slowing down. However, governments will consider this unfortunate condition. So, he encourages people to keep optimistic. Hopefully, the government of affected countries can make policies to help companies survive during this hard time. Businessmen should not stop their businesses. Because the economy of their countries also depends on the sustainability of the businesses. So, governments and companies should support each other to save the economy. Not only to be optimistic, the Greek entrepreneur also suggests people to be wise as well.

Mr. Milionis confesses that his works and projects are also affected by the global pandemic since he works in the tourism sector too. But he mentions that businesses do not only pursue profits but also contribute and support the surrounding community as well as the needy. This way, the contribution of sustainable entrepreneurs can drive and help the economy of the lower classes. We all know that global finance is recently declining. So, the Greek entrepreneur suggests the government and businessmen to support each other to save global finance.